Saturday, 10 August 2024

I'm a bit harassed

I've had a difficult few weeks with Steve and his continuous yelling and shouting.

He's been told before, by me and others, that it isn't acceptable but he insists that he's not shouting!

He been grumbling about money for a while now. The grumbles got louder and more strident until he announced that I needed to contribute more towards the household bills. He suggested I start paying half the food bill.

I suggested I pay for the food and sundries I buy, but I refuse to pay half the shopping bill since its usually around £170 a week. This is mainly for junk food and beer. I buy a fruit and veg box every week which is around £10 depending on what extra fruit I chose.

Next time he starts I shall offer to pay half the electricity as I do use half I'm sure.


PatsyAnne said...

I'd say, don't offer to pay 1/2 the electric bill, unless he brings it up. Don't offer to pay anything more, he can cut back on his groceries, going out drinking with his friend, buying beer... Again don't offer to pay anything, since he will take that as a given and come back to you with more requests for payments from you. You can tuck that money he's asking for into you hidden private account.

Anonymous said...

Tell him to make a list of what HE buys by way of groceries I.e. beer and meat! Then do yours and BTW let's add up all the rest of the unnecessary Amazon purchases etc. Then see what he has to say to this. I do hope you have stopped him being able to access YOUR money as has been written in previous comments. Good luck with all this, Sandra x

Anonymous said...

Why not buy and pay for your own food plus something towards household goods? Your husband can pay for what he buys - it may open his eyes!

Ellen D. said...

Just say no.

Nelliegrace said...

I keep reading and worrying for you. Advice is of no use.
Please post when you have taken some positive action.

Anonymous said...

he wants you do fund his drinking habit, say no he's all take. I hope you're ok

Anonymous said...

please keep a tighter hold of your finances & any valuables you may have or he will drink you dry & sell anything of value you may own until you both have nothing & then he'll move on, he's an alcoholic now, I know you want to trust him but it's what they do

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...