Saturday, 3 August 2024


I know exactly where the money goes.

Steve buys six trays of lager every week and each tray contains 18 cans, these he drinks every week, plus occasional trips to the pub as well.

He eats no vegetables apart from an occasional mushroom, just meat everyday, this is why he spends so much money each week.

He has cornflakes for breakfast 3 times a week, the other days he has a cooked breakfast or a bacon sandwich. Lunch is a ham sandwich with a packet of crisps. His sandwich's are always made with white bread.

Steve's evening meal is, what I'd describe as party food, breaded scampi, chicken wings, stuff like that covered in copious amounts of BBQ sauce.I

This is followed by 4 or 5 packets of crisps throughout the evening.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to say this but he's heading for an early death.

Carol Caldwell said...

I dread to think what that is doing to his weight let alone anything else.

Heather said...

I'm not surprised you prepare your own meals.

Carole R said...

He eats so much garbage. It doesn't even taste nice. 5 bags of crisps per evening is a lot. No wonder you prepare your own meals.

PatsyAnne said...

My God, with all the salt and grease (lard/oils) in his menu, I'm surprised he hasn't had another stroke or a heart attack. Has he been to a doctor lately, getting his heart checked and his blood work done? Does he have life insurance, even a little bit? It sounds like he's eating himself into an "early grave".

If, God forbid, he does die will you be able to stay in that apartment?

Don't know how you've put up with his rants and raves and nagging at you all this time, you are a saint.

Take care friend, keep on doing what you're doing and know we are out here reading and caring about you.

flis said...

That sounds far too much alcohol to me never mind the other stuff - If it was me I think I'd just let him get on with it - but perhaps you stop him accessing your money though - He can't be rational can he - someone has to put a halt on it - for both of your sakes I would think x

Meanqueen said...

I have a friend with a husband who eats in exactly the same way. Although he doesn't drink loads of alcohol, he does pick at junk food all day long. He is very overweight and takes several pills daily for various ailments. Probably best that you prepare your own food.

Anonymous said...

Has it ever occurred to anyone that Steve is well aware of how ill he is, but instead of trying to do something about it, is choosing to take his own way out?

Highly recommended.

When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...