Saturday, 31 August 2024

My poor hands

My left hand is stiff and  sore all the way up to my shoulder. It's from hanging on to Beano's lead when we were visiting our boater friends on Wednesday.

Beano took great exception to the cyclists whizzing along the tow path. Slow bikes he is fine with, he will ignore them but not the cyclists who hammer along at great speed expecting everyone to leap out of their way.

For some reason, today my right hand is now also stiff  and sore, but this is only my in my hand, my arm and shoulder are fine.

I've taken a paracetamol so I'm sure it will soon be better.

On Friday morning the new resident stopped me, she wanted to make a complaint. I suppose it was only a matter of time before she got round to me. She has complained about many things since she arrived. She complained about Beano. It seems he disturbed her on Wednesday by barking non-stop all day. Whilst I'll admit Beano did bark a lot on Wednesday he was 5 or 6 miles from our flat visiting our friends on the narrow boat.

Next time there is somebody here from the housing association I will speak to them and explain that we were not on site at the time the resident claims she heard Beano barking for hours.  I expect she did hear a dog barking, there are quite a few around and some of them are very vocal.


flis said...

I would keep a record of that pesky woman myself - I find it easier to wear a waist harness with my dogs attached - I can also shorten their leads and or attach shorter ones x

Corinne said...

Hope the arthritis eases up a bit.
At least when you've written here it's a record of where you've been, so it could help if there's a problem.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...