Friday, 23 August 2024

Heavy breathing.

Sorry that my posts are a bit sporadic, it depends very much on how Steve is whether I get chance to post or not.

Steve refuses to wear his hearing aids indoors, he refuses  to accept that he is deaf. Because of this, he doesn't notice that his breathing is incredibly loud. It like having a steam train in the living room.

I went to bed at 11 on Wednesday night, well, I intended to, but Steve was snoring up a storm. Even when I took my hearing aids out I could still hear him. I returned to the living room and watched Whitstable Pearl on my kindle until 1 a.m. Steve was still snoring but by then I was tired enough not to care. I was up and dressed just after 5 a.m. Steve finally surfaced around 11 a.m and insisted he hadn't slept a wink all night. 

Steve is still accompanying me to the summer house meetings, y'day a meal out was mentioned, we were invited to join we both agreed but I expect Steve will drop out at the last minute. He will expect me to drop out as well.


Meanqueen said...

Here is a hearing aid story for you. I had a nap on the sofa one afternoon. I was woken up by a roaring noise in my ear. Like very loud heavy breathing. Unusual, there is only me here. Then I realised what it was. I had my hearing aid in and the heavy breathing was my own, magnified of course by the thing in my ear.

Yellow Shoes said...

Could you use the couch as a permanent sleeping place ?
You say that Steve is not an early riser and it might give you a decent night's sleep before he also needs the lounge.
Many couples, particularly as they get older, develop completely different sleep routines and two beds, in two different rooms, can be transformative.
Rather than dominating the room with bedding etc a sleeping bag, rolled up and stored behind the couch, would give you that option.

Anonymous said...

You go for lunch with your friends whether Steve wants to go or not. Stand up for yourself.

Ellen D. said...

Wear ear plugs and sleep in another room.

Anonymous said...

ALL drunks have a snoring problem in my experience. You go to the lunch out and enjoy yourself. Let bully boy stay in on his own for a change But remember to take away his access to your Amazon account. I wish l lived near you l'd have a few tricks to get him in line!!!. Also when he starts showing you up in the Summerhouse meetings, say something back to him, do it loud enough for others to hear. Got to start making a stand with this nasty bully of a husband! Sandra x .

Haven't got one. said...

Do you have another bedroom or just the one? I imagine that loud breathing and snoring are very much connected, but I doubt you'll get Steve to go to the doctor. It's a wonder that the snoring doesn't wake him up!

Angela said...

I wonder if it's sleep apnoea? Mind you, if he won't go to the Dr you will never know. Before my oh got his treated it was almost impossible to sleep in the same room. After treatment it was truly wonderful for everyone in the family

flis said...

A few years my dearly beloved began waking at precisely 03.45 am regularly - He seemed weird and argumentative - He doesn't drink alcohol either - He would want to discuss cutlery or loo seats in an agitated manner - I didn't know how to deal with him - I began sleeping downstairs rather than in another bedroom as he doesn't like going downstairs at night - It's more peaceful now x

Heather said...

We still live in the house where our children grew up. My husband moved into the single room because I toss and turn all night! I remember years ago we went on a family camp and one of my husbands BIL’s kept us all awake for two nights with his snoring. Is your sofa long enough to sleep on?

Rambler said...

I'm guessing that one of the problems with sleeping downstairs is that the toilet is upstairs.

Anonymous said...

That is why I kept ear plugs in a little box in my bed side table !!! When married my prior husband's snoring rocked the house and he was a tiny man - former horse racing jockey and only 5 foot 1 inches tall, lol. But lordy that man could SNORE. Ear Plugs were my life line to solid night's sleep !!! Dawn P. Albany, GA USA

Anonymous said...

Don't they live in a flat?

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...