Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Knitting Minions

My DGS Mark loves the films 'Despicable Me 1 & "' or as he pronounces it Dickspicable Me!
I watched it with him a while ago and was amazed at the 2 smaller girls in the film, they are my DGD's, Norah & Eileen to a T!
I have decided to knit a beanie and a couple of Minions for Mark for Christmas, I have to go to town tomorrow for a hospital appointment I shall look for some DK  yarn in denim blue & bright yellow, I have knitting needles in every size so I won't need to buy those.
I'm no where near as fast at knitting as I am at crochet but having looked at the patterns I think Mark will prefer a knitted hat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From Margie in Toronto

That's so funny - we were just talking about "minions" today at the office as the costume is extremely popular here for Halloween! One of the girls hasn't seen the films as yet so someone is going to bring her in the dvd's so she can catch up on why they are so beloved.

Being careful.

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