Thursday, 31 October 2013

Lost weight, need a Brazilian

Being far too tight to buy new hold-ups when I already have loads means I have come across a  problem. The extra large hold-ups I bought to go round my fat thighs are now considerably longer when fitted round my less fat thighs. This means they now reach my bush, which is growing in direct proportion to the speed with which the hair on my head disappearing. The combination of extra long hold-ups and extra long bush means that a tangle occurs that can, at times, suddenly turn a confident walk into a  crouching shuffle. Because of this problem I have decided a home made Brazilian is the only way to go!


Pam said...

I see trouble ahead, I think that you will need help from The Minder to achieve a smooth finish. I think that it may take a few sessions to complete as you will get sidetracked. You amy end up walking lopsided for a day or three. If not, why not.

Anonymous said...


Hard up Hester said...

Pam. With his poor eyesight I wouldn't trust him anywhere near me with anything sharp!

Anonymous, I suggest you read a different blog then, I'm often disgusting, may I suggest this one., especially the post entitled 'Your end is nigh!

markdebby said...

Oh sue you are so funny. I have missed your funny saying in your blog so I hope you are back in form again lol

Anonymous said...

Not disgusting at all. Made me laugh out loud :-)

flowertotmum said...

Haha o you make me chuckle..i recommend the brazilian..
As for annoying anonymous ignore them.

frugal freesia said...

Oh my goodness I have missed these funny posts of yours.You are an absolute hoot. My daughter keeps asking why I'm laughing :)

Being careful.

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