Thursday, 11 December 2014

It was a Lulu lady

My L&M was awake during the night so he turned the TV on, I don't mind, mostly I sleep through it or wake briefly and go back to sleep. This morning I couldn't and why? It was the Lulu lady, nothing to do with a diminutive Scottish singer I hasten to add.
My father loved opera and I can remember him when I was a small child turning up the volume on the radio when certain songs were played. I noticed the difference between ordinary songs & my Dad's beloved opera & I used to call out saying 'Quick Dad, turn up the radio there is a Lulu lady singing!'
This morning, whatever my L&M was watching included a small burst of opera & suddenly all these memories of my Dad came flooding back.
It was my Dad that took me to see my first opera Turandot and my first ballet Peer Gynt, both of which I still love today.
In later years my Dad lived in Kensington and was, with my stepmum a regular attendee of many operas, ballets & plays.


Floss said...

Your lovely post brought a lump to my throat, I feel the same way when I hear any Gilbert & Sullivan as my dad was an avid fan

Anonymous said...

From Margie in Toronto - what a lovely post. Plus I'm always pleased when I hear about people taking advantage of all our cities have to offer. I'm continually surprised to hear from people who have lived here all their lives and have never been to a play or an opera or a musical concert - I always think that if you are going to live with all the bad parts of city life you should also make use of all the wonderful parts on offer! Good for him.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...