Thursday, 25 December 2014

Thank fuck it's over

The decorations will be put away in a sec, I have some very upset grandchilden & an equally upset husband.
Hubby had a little extra money this year so he decided to buy each of the DGC a tablet, not expensive ones as the children are quite young, but he knew all the children would be delighted.
An hour before we arrived to give them the tablets my ex dropped by & gave them a tablet each. There was no point in giving them 2 so we now look like mean & stingy grandparents & my beloved is so upset that his planned treat was spoiled.
We also have some brand new tablets that we don't want, can't use & probably can't get our money back on.


Unknown said...

Unopened and not used, take them back. Shops are used to this at this time of year. Sorry it all went to shit x

VC said...

I'm pretty sure you will at least get a credit note! Sorry you had a bit of a rubbish day!

Hard up Hester said...

I think we will get our money back, but it left us with no time & no money to get gifts for the grandchildren for Christmas day, so we were very disappointed.

Mrs G said...

Definitely a case of best laid plans :( Sorry it went t*t* up :( x

Kim said...

What a nightmare. Hopefully you can exchange them without issue and they can perhaps have a lovely new year present instead. I know that doesn't compensate tho. Hugs to you. Xxx

Anonymous said...

Tell the kids what happened, kids appreciate honesty. And I doubt they think you are anything but wonderful grandparents. Try and get your money back and have an after Christmas shop day with the kids.
Merry Christmas and Happy New year from USA.

Anonymous said...

how disappointing..but all is not lost. i liked the suggestions made earlier..tell them the truth, and have a lovely 'special new year gift' shopping day with them. these things happen and it really can sour things but i'm sure they will understand and enjoy their day out with you. and, yes, you should at least get a credit note. all the best. ann.

Anonymous said...

How disappointing for you both. I sgree with telling the children the truth-why should you be made to feel in the wrong especially when you worked so hard to provide a real treat. I love how you always do quality time activities with your grandchildren-baking, sewing, gardening, and those are the things they will remember when they are grown up. It's not much consolation at the time when your gifts were not able to be given but if you can get your money back, could you use it to provide some experiences for the children that are not tangible but provide some more lovely memories. Catriona

Anonymous said...

Often happens! Stick with home made one-offs.
I'm sure you can get a refund, then give the money as a pressie, they can then get what they want.

Linda Metcalf said...

Well that was crappy! Take them back and give each child that allowance to go shopping with!

Hard up Hester said...

We cannot tell the children the truth, as we do not want to let the children know that someone in the family is such an arsehole.
It was hubby's disappointment that hurt me, he comes from a family who look down on anything home made & was so pleased to finally be able to give the children a 'proper gift'.
I once took some home made food to one of his family get togethers & they couldn't have been more horrified if I'd plonked a plate of dog shit on the table, lol.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...