Monday, 3 August 2015

Can somebody lend me some BGK

Otherwise known as Big Girls Knickers?
It's a phrase used by Elaine at MFin3, a phrase I often borrow but now  think I'm going to need extra knickers.
My beloved isn't coping too well with his mother's illness, I knew he wouldn't but I'm happy to support him wherever possible. Mil has arranged her funeral, chosen the poems and the music. She has discussed it with her husband and given all four of her sons a typed copy of the arrangements. 
BIL is also not coping, unfortunately he is divorced and has no one to lean on, I will do what I can, he is currently avoiding visiting his mum as he is scared what he will see, next time we go I will offer to take him with us.
StepFIL is also not coping, he is also worried about another BIL who he believes will force him out of the marital home after MIL's death, despite MIL's will requesting that StepFil be allowed to remain.
I can see I may have to get involved with this too, so lots of pairs of BGK will be needed!


Anonymous said...

From Margie in Toronto - it's a tough situation but why does it always seem as though women somehow manage to cope? Your MIL has done everything in her power to make things as easy as possible for them all with her planning the funeral and service - and yet, they can't even go to visit. I know its a difficult situation and very sad - but they are the ones who need the BGK!! And I love Elaine as well. She'd probably say they all need a good kick up the bahookie!

Good luck.

Poppypatchwork said...

Take a long step back, families, been there.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...