Friday, 21 August 2015

Thursday and Friday

On Thursday we hired a boat and took the DGC on the river, they all had a turn at steering the boat, we were out for 4 hours and had a picnic. 
The kids had a fantastic time, no pics I'm afraid as some of the DGC are fostered and I'm not allowed to post pics online. I did take lots of pics though to share with family and friends.
I was exhausted by the time we'd got home and then driven the children home and still had to clear up as we had friends over for drinks.

Today I'm cooking for the freezer, I shall make a batch of free soup (Slimming World free) not money free, though it is made mainly from our garden produce so is very cheap to make. I shall also make some cottage pies for the freezer.

Tess, I've lost weight going to Slimming World, but here is what I eat every day.

For breakfast I have poached egg or porridge or muesli.
For lunch I have a salad or HM soup.
My evening meal is a small portion of whatever I've cooked but is as fat free as possible served with a huge portion of veg.
I have a banana, apple & some nuts most days.
I rarely drink & gave up chocolate a few months ago.


lynda said...

The only thing I can say about eating to lose weight is that you have to eat so little to lose, that your food spending goes down significantly.....

Anonymous said...

thankyou for taking the time to share

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...