Monday, 9 April 2018


Sorry about the lack of posts, I'm a bit disheartened at the moment. I blog on my kindle and it won't allow me to add photo's.
So I seems pointless to blog about where we moor without any accompanying pics.
There is only so much I can say about CHS and I so rather than bore everyone senseless I've not bothered to post.
I also cannot remove the nasty comment left on my last post.


Chris said...

Hope mine wasn't the comment you objected to. It was meant in fun so my apologies if it caused offence.

Alison said...

I have just noticed another poster has written that she too is having problems with blogger on her i-pad that even her techie offspring has not been able to sort out yet.

Jeannieuk said...

Please don’t be disheartened. I know I’m not alone in enjoying your blog with or without photos. A lot of us envy your lifestyle and look forward to your next post. Nearly every blogger I follow gets stupid thoughtless comments which are not reflective of those of us in general who follow you. Take heart and keep on blogging!

Jaccs said...

I love your blog Hester, always witty with tounge in cheek humour, don't throw the towel overboard yet x

Living Alone in Your 60's said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Margie from Toronto said...

I second everything that Jeannie said - I look forward to your posts - with or without photos. Please don't let the trolls get you down. I recently made a comment on Twitter - that while I support the building of bike lanes here in Toronto, I do object to bicyclists who flout the rules of the road and ride on sidewalks, endangering pedestrians of all ages, and said so. The abuse that I received was totally over the top - every name in the book! Charming..... Just ignore the idiots. Take care.

Vonnie said...

Please don't give up I like your blog with or without photos.

kate steeper said...

know the problems with blogger all to well , the ipad hates it and i hate the ipad . Its only when i get to go on my old work computer that seems to be community computer in this house that i can post a photo . They all moan its ancient and slow but everybody uses it when they need to do anything serious

The Weaver of Grass said...

Hester please don';t stop blogging. You live just the sort of life I envy and it is lovely reading about it.

Marjorie said...

I too love your blogs, pix or no pix. Sorry about the trolls.

Patti said...

I’m sorry about the troll. I thought that post was funny, but maybe because I have a husband with a dry glass as well, lol!

Theresa Y said...

I'm not a blogger. I don't have the discipline. But I do so enjoy all the blogs I visit, yours being one of them. I love peeking into the lives of people who live differently than I. Please don't stop.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...