Friday, 20 April 2018

Boat wars

We are moored near a boat called Rambling Rose, the owners have fallen out with the owners of My Girl. Both will tell anyone who will listen and some who won't listen the contradictory versions of why they have fallen out. They both get stroppy if the see anyone talking to their enemy.

I went for a walk today and someone has marked off part of the towpath and reserved it for their boat, I can't see the CRT being very impressed with them.

The marina has put a stop to private boat cleaning, it all has to go through the marina office, they charge £100 per boat, funnily enough no one wants to pay that amount!

This morning I found my car had been keyed, I'm wishing fleas and hemorrhoids on the twat that did it. I'm parked in a residential area but not outside anyone's house. Some people are just arseholes!

Someone crashed into my boat this morning, they hit two other moored boats as well. The skipper was shouting and swearing as it was everyone else's fault apart from his. He even crashed into a boat that that was moored on the lock landing whilst their crew was preparing the lock. 
The world seems full of twats today.


Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I couldn't agree with you more. I was driving along a wide road and a van was starting to veer over the centre line into my path. Driver was looking down and not ahead, I tapped my horn which shocked him into reality and steer away. He had the cheek to give me a filthy stare. W@nker!!!

Jeannieuk said...

There must be something in the stars this week. I too am having that sort of week. Gin or wine I think maybe helpful!

Anonymous said...

Have seen some aggressive, scary and plain stupid things on the road today. Too much sun and not drinking enough water(sadly alcohol doesn't count as a rehydrating fluid as people are finding to their cost today). Debbie

The Weaver of Grass said...

Sounds as though it is just as bad on the water as it is on dry land. Perhaps it is because we are just not used to a day or two of hot weather.

Chris said...

Do we have a full moon this week? We used to joke at school to look out for the full moon as the kids would all be crazy!

Sue in Suffolk said...

I guess with continuous cruising you could just move and get away from idiots.
Hope the boat war ends soon

Anonymous said...

"Do we have a full moon this week?"

The way the natives behave round here at the moment I think we have a full moon every week! :(


Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...