Saturday, 21 April 2018

Towpath walk

I walk along the towpath most days and these are some pics I took yesterday.

Today the soap boat was trading so I treated myself to four bars of homemade soap.
I bought Wildwood which contains Cedar, Cypress, Bergamot and Juniper. Galley soap which contains Clary Sage, Lavender, Palma Rosa and coffee grounds. I also bought Nettle and Mint. They smell wonderful.

I felt I deserved a treat as my car has now been keyed on both sides and had both wing mirrors bashed, so we need to find the money for repairs.

5 comments: said...

Why are people so vile? I do believe in karma though and hope they get their comeuppance! Good for you indulging in a little soap buying, and how lovely to have a 'soap boat' on the canal.

colin cuthbert said...

I have heard of the Bookshop boat and the Fuel boats but not a Soap boat. Col in Suffolk

Anonymous said...

So much for an idyllic life on the water! I hope karma does bite these folk right on the ass! I would be heartsick because of the expense and the plain evil of others.

Hard up Hester said...

We also have A Boat Full Of Wool nearby as well.

I'm gutted about the cost of repair but there's no point losing sleep, I'll just keep wishing hemorrhoids on the perpetrator.

Winters End Rambler said...

Beautiful photos x


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.