Tuesday, 17 April 2018

Teapot or not teapot

One thing I miss having given up work and living on the boat is company.
I am looking into a few things to solve this problem but it is not just living on a boat it is also having to fit in around CHS's constant shift changes which I will write about at a later date.
I read recently that some lady boaters place a teapot on top their boat, it's a way of letting other lady boaters know that there is someone aboard willing to share a cuppa.
This sounds like a brilliant idea, until some bright spark started a rumour that a teapot on a boat was a sign that the boaters aboard were swingers.
I think I'll give the teapot a miss. The last thing I need is some lecherous old bugger trying to get into my knickers!


Winters End Rambler said...

What...not even CHS?!! x

Anonymous said...

This made me chuckle - whenever I walk along a canal with boats, I'll be looking out for teapots!

Nethergreen said...

Maybe a teacup on a saucer? Or perhaps an invitation posted at the marina?

janipi said...

As a teapot collector I think I had better take more care of where I place them :) As the better weather emerges, boatees might come out of hibernation. I once saw a couple enjoying a cup of tea on their barge roof garden. Looked a bit precarious but they were enjoying the sunshine, (The boat was stationary of course)

Jeannieuk said...

He he he..! I wish you were moored in my village, the kettle would be constantly on! X

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you need to sort out a flag system for letting others know company is welcome. Maybe a Welcome flag could be posted on each boat wanting visitors for a cuppa? ana usa

Margie from Toronto said...

You do make me laugh! But I know what you mean. Since I retired I've been feeling the lack of daily company - and that's why I'm now looking for a part=time job! It must be a bit tricky with moving about so much but maybe it will resolve itself a bit more once the good weather arrives and there are more people around?

Chris said...

You gave me my laugh of the day! Keep the humour coming, I love it!


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.