Monday, 30 April 2018

Gawd it's cold

We set off this morning around 9:45 I walked the first couple of miles as there are so many locks and swing bridges close together.

We saw some people on motorised boards catching fish, they were doing a survey on the fish count from Midgham to Thatcham. They caught some huge fish but said that the numbers were very low, they had someone from CRT with them. I asked if the water quality was to blame for the low numbers but they seemed to think predation was a more likely cause.
They helped us through the last lock and when we reached Thatcham we moored up and I made lunch. 

I made spicy lamb soup for lunch and to my amazement  CHS ate it, he's not keen on soup unless it comes out of a tin of packet. As this was made from the leftovers from yesterday's roast dinner it included cabbage and peas so it was a rather unprepossessing shade of green but it was very tasty.

After lunch we caught the train back to Woolhampton and collected the car. The car is now parked near the boat so I can drive to DD2'S tomorrow to look after dgd. DD2 will then drive me back to the boat and I will leave the car on her drive until we return on Monday.

I will do a load of washing at DD's tomorrow whilst I am there.


justjill said...

Hope the car remains undamaged. You must be fit walking all that way!

The Weaver of Grass said...

This all sounds so very complicated.

Catriona said...

Your fitness levels must be good with all the walking. Sounds like a good exchange to use the washing machine in return for childminding. Hope the weather will improve soon as we are still getting frost here.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...