Wednesday, 25 April 2018

No jam and no Jerusalem.

I want to make some jam, I have the fruit and sugar but the boat keeps listing badly and it wouldn't be safe. It's bad enough managing a kettle of boiling water, boiling jam would be much more dangerous.
It's bad enough when they drawers keep flying open and bashing me without the added complication of sticky red jam.

I'm still on a quest to find something to do and enquired about the local WI, unfortunately it is not at a convenient time.

I have signed up to an online course about edible wild plants, it's proving very interesting but I can only download it when the WiFi is amenable which is rarely.

I may try to download it next time I visit one of my DD's as they both have unlimited WiFi.


kate steeper said...

The WI in rural Lincolnshire is purely for the loaded , the look of horror when a pleb asks to join is amazing , that makes the finely pruned eyebrows lift . Not that ive done that on purpose , but its all very cup cake and trips to garden centers . Rural Lincolnshire is very class ridden and Conservative while stuck in the 1970s so what did i said...

I'm always really nervous making jam on terra firma, on a boat sounds like a nightmare scenario. Perhaps your DD's will let you make some at their's...nice and safe!

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Agreed, that wouldn't be a very safe thing to do. Can you afford some data on a phone to download thing? Do you have a Whetherspoons in your local town. Free WiFi and refillable coffee....bargain.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

The coffee is very cheap and refillable.

Sue in Suffolk said...

WI isn't all bad. I just go to listen to interesting speakers and eat cake! - I don't get involved with committees or politics or the posh older women!

50 and counting said...

I'd love it if there was something like the WI in my area of Alberta. There is nothing.

Even the Yoga and Acquasize classes are at terrible times.

lynda said...

Why is the boat listing? I know nothing about such things!


 The legend of Bert and Dreary.