Thursday, 19 April 2018

Shift change

One of CHS'S colleagues is unwell and awaiting tests which limits his ability to work. He is not allowed to work on his own so cannot cover the late shift or the Saturday shift.

I've said before about their complicated shift system, they work a rolling system of early, day and late shifts. The day person works Saturday instead of Monday, so there are only 2 people working on a Monday this can prove difficult as one regular afternoon job requires 3 people to be present.

The late shift is a moveable feast, the start time is dependent on the finish time and the finish time is dependent on any bookings made though 10 is usually the finish time occasionally it can be as late as midnight.

The person on days alters their shift if someone is on holiday to provide cover.

Is it any wonder I cannot keep up with the changes!


Anonymous said...

You ost me in the second paragraph! I'd like to meet the person who even thought of such a complicated system. He/she must be a complex character.

Joan (Devon)

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Crumbs, how do you manage to know when he's going to be home. Complicated isn't the word.

Hard up Hester said...

I have to set alarms on my phone otherwise I'd never be there to collect him at the right time.

justjill said...

What a nightmare! You and CHS have my full sympathy.

Margie from Toronto said...

Insane! And switching shifts like that is really detrimental to a person's health - are you sure this is allowed under labour laws?

Chris said...

Needs must, I suppose. Sounds like they need to hire some extra people.

Winters End Rambler said...

Nope....can't be doing with that! x

Anonymous said...

I agree with Chris, I think other people are needed. The idiot who thought up this schedule ought be made to work it for a night.

Hard up Hester said...

There is another staff member who is there to pick up the slack, he's known as Mr Reliable, he can be relied upon to go sick as soon as he is needed!

Being careful.

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