Monday, 28 May 2018

Beautiful Demoiselle

I do so wish I could post pics on my blog.

We are surrounded by many, many what I think are Beautiful Demoiselle.

They are a wonderful shade of dark blue, I can not take a decent photo of them as they fly past so fast.

There must be 20 or so flying to and fro past the boat.


justjill said...

How lovely! I really need to be able to look at a pond. More planning. They dont visit upturned lids with water in.....

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Is there a problem with you posting photos now?

Hard up Hester said...

I use a kindle fire and it has a fit of the vapours if I try to post pics.

Rambler said...

I post my photos using 'tinypic' - it's free and very easy to use.

Rambler said...

, , , and of course, that didn't work!!! But the photo would have appeared on your blog, I promise. said...

They are elusive little buggers to photograph, I've tried many times. Wareham Forest has a lake at it's centre, now privately owned, sadly, and no longer accessible to the public. There is an area there where they seem to congregate, probably for mating, literally swarms of them, like flying jewels.

Rambler said...

Is there no longer a campsite there? I stayed in my tent one winter (mad, but wonderful) and enjoyed going into the forest early mornings to follow the tracks of deer, badgers, foxes and various other creatures. I don't recall a lake, so maybe that was separate to the campsite?

Anonymous said...

Hi Could you explain with demoiselles are? Never heard of this before. Thanks ARlene from US

Hard up Hester said...

I don't know of a campsite round here Rambler.

Arlene, they are a sort of dragonflies, not very big but beautiful shades of blue.


Beano gets more walks in the summer than in the winter. It's not the weather, we neither of us mind the cold. It's the shortness of ...