Tuesday, 9 May 2023

Answers to some questions

Our flat is bought not rented.

We both have only our state pension Steve's is less than mine because of years worked, and we have some savings.

If Steve goes he will want the savings to enable him to move elsewhere. Possibly to buy a boat, but I've no real idea.

I am booking appointments with various agencies to find out what I'm entitled to.  I expect Steve will want me to sell up so he has money to live on. These places don't sell quickly so he will have a long wait. Unless one of my children would buy him out but I'd rather they didn't.


Donna said...

This is heartbreaking...I'm so sorry dear one.
We are all here for you should you need us!

Col said...

Glad to hear you're at least making enquiries as to what you'd be entitled to if push comes to shove.
However, maybe I'll just shut up for now, as Sue at 'A Smaller Life' thinks my last comment was inappropriate, and saw fit to put her displeasure in print!
If YOU tell me that you thought my comment was inappropriate, fine, but I really don't need to be 'told off' by anyone else!

Ellen D. said...

I had a lawyer who helped me get my fair share when my exhusband and I got divorced. I am glad you are reaching out to people that can advise you. Hope all works out for you.

Sue in Suffolk said...

Hope you get some good and helpful advice for moving forward whichever way that is.

Anonymous said...

I hope this all works out for you. I would just like to say this; any savings that are held jointly are legally liable to be split 50/50, and you should push for that. The fact that Steve wants to go off on his own is his choice, and not for you to support him. You are entitled for funds to live off equally too.Please make sure you get good legal advice, and follow it. Best wishes, Lizzie.

Nelliegrace said...

I suggest that you separate your half of the savings Hester. A friend’s husband took the lot and spent it all. It was part of his mental illness, but it was still gone.
Best wishes!

Catriona said...

I’m glad you are seeking advice about how your finances would be split and how you could manage to live on your pension. I feel so sorry that you are not able to enjoy a quiet retirement after working hard for years. Catriona

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

My husband and I split last year. Whe we sold the last house we sorted all the finances then so nothing could vote up in the future. We are fortunate that we could each buy our own home and have additional pensions to help. My only advice would be if you have enough money left after the split put it in any kind of property you can, flat, tiny house. My friend went into rented and now can't afford to buy, while her money dwindles dramatically. The only saving grace is she does get some help now she has got far less money in the bank. Good luck.

Lynda said...

I’m sorry to hear this, but I think you’re well rid of him....
Wishing you the best.
Yes, separate your savings immediately!

Dee at the Pines said...

I'm sorry this is happening but I also can't imagine Steve organising everything to actually move or am I wrong seems he will just threaten to do it but not get around to it very stressful for you.

Lyssa Medana said...

Sending all hugs and a reminder that you are an amazing and wonderful person.

Take care of yourself.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...