Saturday, 27 May 2023

I'm back

I had a busy few days with visits from both my daughters, one of my sons and Steve's friend Bob and his current girlfriend Sarah.

We had lunch at a nearby pub with Bob and Sarah, Steve and Bob both had the pie of the day, I had a salad, Sarah had sticky toffee pudding, no main course, just pudding. She is a skinny lass, just Bob's type. I understand she is a very fussy eater a bit like Steve, whereas Bob and I will both eat almost anything. Though I do like my food to be good quality.

Poor Beano is very itchy, we've tried tablets and cream from the vets neither of which had any effect. He is currently taking a supplement that may help. He, of course, won't take anything willingly. So the supplement is added to his food which he still eats.

Steve ordered the large tins of dog food from the supermarket, Beano couldn't eat such large chunks so I passed them on to Cass as she has a large dog! Beano is currently eating Cesar small dog food as it was all I could get delivered at short notice.

I'm currently waiting for a gammon joint to cook, Steve started it off in the airfryer and he has gone into the garden. I turned the joint over half way through and I'll walk Beano once it's done.


Donna said...

Poor Beano...We've found with our dogs, that the itching is caused from dog foods that have Wheat in them. We switched to Rachel Ray's dogfoods...the itching has stopped. Vets mostly guess as to the root cause, telling you to try Benedryl or any antihistamine. I was tired of doing that because it just didn't help the root problem, they are allergic to wheat gluten!
Just find a wheat-free product.

Rambler said...

I was about to say the same - my Collie had to have a wheat-free diet in order to stop the itching- and it worked. Such a relief for the poor dog, especially in this heat. He also loved to immerse himself in water, whether that was the sea, a stream or even a decent puddle!
Forthglade have a Bank Holiday ale on -
I'm sure Beano would enjoy the variety they provide in both wet and dry foods.

flis said...

My lily has skin problems which I thought a few years ago was ringworm -After some scrapings by the vet and tests he says it's an allergy - It is checked every 6 months and in the meantime I use their Betafuse gel and Malaseb shampoo -She doesn't scratch though - I apply coconut oil on dry bits too myself - She eats Scrumbles and chicken,.eggs and cottage cheese and carrotts x

Lola's Mum said...

Yes try a grain free diet. Our dog has Forthglade the wet food she loves it and it suits her very well.We now are just giving her the fish varieties and turkey maybe a bit of chicken but it won't just help immediately but might take a little time but persevere with it and will hopefully help natural remedies are best not chemicals that the vet prescribes.

Anonymous said...

Pets at Home have a selection of grain free dog foods both wet and dry - you can buy single tins to try. Also put "grain free dog food" as a search and you get other choices. All the best, Elaine

Sally Andrew said...

Have you tried Stinky Stuff? You can get it online. Helps Anni when she has itchy patches.

Highly recommended.

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