Sunday, 28 May 2023


Beano only suffers with his allergy in warm weather so I think grass is the most likely cause, he will insist on rubbing himself on cut grass. 

He gets a couple of walks in the local park very day and other walks on the pavements.

I'm reluctant to buy the Forthglade food as it seems to contain a lot of vegetables which Beano won't eat. If I could buy a couple of packs I would but there is no point me buying a case of food that he won't touch.

I'll take a wander up to our nearby pet shop on Tuesday and see what they have.


ShellyC said...

Have you considered any ant-histamines for Beano? They worked on our chocolate girl.

Lola's Mum said...

Don't think Beano would notice the vegetables as they are all well mashed into the wet food.

Anonymous said...

You can buy individual forthglade packs from various supermarkets and our local pet shop also sells them.
If Beano will eat kibble, James Wellbeloved also do grain free

Anonymous said...

i have a parsons jack russell who has seasonal allergies, she has steroid tablets for the itching for several months of the year. It works for her ! deb in essex

Anonymous said...

I've heard about a brand called "stinky stuff" they do a range for dogs called "dog stuff" that I've seen good reviews for, might be worth a look.

Sue said...

There are no visible vegetables in the Forthglade food, we bought our initial packs off the website, but then found out that Booths supermarkets sell it cheaper. Our dogs love it, we buy them the trays of wet food rather than the cans, one tray lasts a few days mashed into their James Wellbeloved kibble.

Highly recommended.

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