Monday, 1 May 2023

I'm not Ray

 Neither am I a ray of sunshine.

Living here I'm reminded of a line from a book by Lyssa Medana, one of her characters says "we do seem to have more than our share of the awkward squad living here." Sorry if I've misquoted you Lyssa.

The previous owner of our flat was called Ray, he's been gone a couple of years now. It seems to be a case of gone but not forgotten. 

One of our neighbours walks across the grass in front of our window. It doesn't bother me but I am concerned that she may fall as she walks with a stick. I've tried to speak to her a couple of times but mostly she ignores me. She did finally speak when she saw me with Beano. It seems she had a small dog when she moved here, she did admit it was a very yappy dog and the neighbours complained, especially Ray! This is why she walks in front of the window, it's to upset Ray, who no longer lives here! After telling me this she has gone back to ignoring me.

Last night when I let Beano out for his last widdle before bed I was confronted by a figure dressed head to toe in camouflage. It scared the bejesus out of me. It was another resident who obviously didn't want to be identified. As she is the only Scot living in this complex I recognised her voice as soon as she spoke to Beano. It seems she felt the need to carry her cat over to where Steve and Harry have cleared the ground ready for planting. Just so her cat could take a crap in the freshly turned soil. I'm not bothered about the cat, cats do as they please. But she carried it across the garden as she lives on the other side of the complex.

What really worried me was the way she was dressed, she was wearing a large voluminous cape in camouflage. She had the hood pulled up around her face and she was wearing huge dark glasses. If Beano had barked I'd have gone back indoors and called the police. Fortunately Beano obviously recognised her despite her ridiculous outfit. He wandered around until he chose the spot where he wanted to pee and then wandered back to me.

I really have enough to cope with, without dealing with other mad residents.


Sue said...

It does sound like you have more than your fair share of 'unusual characters' there. The cat carrying lady is just plain weird if you ask me.

Lynda said...

It does sound bizarre! You’re coping much better than I would, to tell you the truth! No one would believe it if you wrote it in a book...they’d say you have a wonderful imagination!
Lots of love..wish I was there. I’d take you out for a meal at least!

Col said...

I couldn't ever live in/on a complex, too many weirdos for me!
I'd have gone out with a little plastic bag, picked the cat poo up and waited until either I found out which is her flat, or saw her again, when it would have been handed back to her with the words "This fell out of your cat's bum right outside my home, so I'm returning it to you"!
I just CBA'd with people like her!
As for the lady who walks in front of your window, one day, throw the window open and say "Hello, can I help you"? It might shock her into better behaviour!
In our close, we have; 'Hatty' a man whom no-one has ever seen without his flat cap on, often backwards. 'Moaning Mavis' self explanatory really, her name's Mavis, and she never stops moaning about anything and everything. 'The Organiser' who pops missives through all the front doors, at least once a week, trying to encourage us all to 'get involved' with whatever her latest plan may be. 'Flag-man' who has an enormous flagpole on his roof, and who flies whichever flag makes him happy at that moment, at the moment of course it's all Coronation stuff!
Fortunately 'Smelly Nelly' lives two roads away from us!

Ellen D. said...

Well, you have a good attitude for coping with it all. Does sound a bit wacky tho!?!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a scene from an episode of Midsomer Murders!

Anonymous said...

BRAHAHAHA I agree with "Anonymous" above; sounds like an episode of Midsomer Murders!
Dawn P. Albany, GA USA

flis said...

Could you put some planters there to deter her - and when it's dark pop outside with a head torch x

Corinne said...

Are you allowed to put up motion sensor lights? All in the name of security of course! She might not be so keen to take her cat where she'll be seen in full view...

Lyssa Medana said...

It sounds perfectly quoted to me.

I suggest that you just enjoy the weirdness and, as a last resort, channel your inner Mrs Tuesday.

Sending hugs x

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...