Thursday, 18 May 2023

Perception of danger.

We live near a park, it's a linear park that runs beside a railway line. The river comes into it at the end near where I live.

It covers 36 hectares and runs almost from the M4 to Burghfield.

It's quiet,and I don't often see anyone else apart from an occasional dog walker or children playing in the play parks that are dotted along its length.

The subject of this park came up at y'days quiz morning. Another dog owning resident, Chris never walks her dog in the park, only around the roads.

She said wouldn't feel safe walking in the park. Not that she has heard anything bad about the park, she just feels it is unsafe.

Maybe it's just me but I don't find the park scary, there are houses backing on to one side of where I walk. Of course I was used to walking along the towpath which were mainly unlit. I only walk in the park in daytime never after dark.

Like me Chris has a husband who refused to walk the dogs, she has two. She therefore walks them only around the roads on the lead.

I like Beano to have a run around off the lead and he seems to enjoy himself. This is the main reason for taking him to the park so he can have some off lead time.

Yesterday he found a dead worm and rolled around on it for ages. Dead worms are a favourite with Beano. Only once has he rolled in something that was truly disgusting. We were still living on the boat and I had to shower him three times before he was clean and sweet smelling again.


Ellen D. said...

I hike on my own in lots of places that my sister wouldn't hike alone. She is more cautious than me. If you are comfortable in the park (and so is Beano) then enjoy your walk!

Donna said...

I never walk in parks alone...It's just unwise here, where we live. Not that it's filled with criminals...but since we are just center north of the Texas border, illegals are showing up everywhere.
Happy weekend!

LameWolf said...

Thank goodness it was just a dead worm Beano rolled in; I won't give you the full details of the time Molly (Black Labrador) found a several-days-dead fish to roll in, as I don't want to put you off your next meal!
Thankfully I wasn't looking after her at the time, but her Dada told me it took two full bottles of dog shampoo before the family could allow her indoors.
What is it with dogs and rolling in the stinkiest thing they can find?? :-D

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...