There are two dogs that are walked in the local park, I don't know their names but I refer to them as Dastardly and Muttley. They are very large Labradors, they are friendly but lack training. When I see them out with the wife or daughter of the family the walker is being dragged along willy nilly by the dogs. The husband has no such problems as he doesn't have them on the lead.
I'm the first to admit that Beano is a grumpy old man so I tend to give these dogs a wide berth. Yesterday as soon as I spotted them, Beano and I set off across the field to avoid them. This was to no avail for as soon as Dastardly spotted Beano he came haring over. He did his usual trick of rolling Beano into his back so he can give him a good sniffing. Beano, being a man of mature years resents this treatment and as soon as he was free he chased Dastardly away.
Dastardly, for all his size is a coward and ran away, unfortunately my leg was in the way and he cannoned into me in his haste to get away.
I now have a bruised lump the size of a grapefruit on my leg and it is many shades of green, blue and black!
I know a gentleman who was knocked to the ground by 2 labradors - he left on a stretcher and had weeks in hospital aǹd a metal frame was fitted to his leg - He was housebound for months -A Labrador ran at me - I lost my balance and fell on my bottom - The lady did run up to help and apologise though x
Thirty eight years ago, my mum's Bearded Collie pup, whilst on an extending lead being held by my husband of exactly one year, (we were visiting my parents in our Anniversary) changed direction rapidly, causing husband to twist his back quite violently.
Immediately, he was in dreadful pain, hardly able to move at all, hardly surprising as he'd slipped two discs!
What an Anniversary that one was!!!
Hope your bruise is coming on well, the faster the colours come out, the better! X
It does annoy me when other dog-walkers allow their dogs to run across and make a nuisance of themselves without checking that your dog is ok with it.
A lot of the dogs I've looked after have "issues" with other dogs, generally as a result of previous bad experiences.
I bought a Yellow Dog flag to put on the leads of such guest dogs - it's literally a vivid yellow triangle with "I NEED SPACE" in large black letters.
But it's no help if the offending dog is already off lead and ignores recall.
It's not the dogs' fault - it's the owners; Labradors are not that difficult to train as a rule. Generally they're a breed that want to please their owners, specially if there's a tidbit for them when they get it right. It's sheer ignorance and/or laziness on the part of the owners.
I hope your leg is soon better, and also that Beano is ok after unceremoniously being flipped onto his back.
A Golden Retriever, came haring across the field where I was walking my 10 month old labrador pup. It took absolutely no notice of my pup but made a beeline for me and gathered itself together to jump on me. I stood sideways on with my left leg behind me to steady myself when it jumped. However it lost its footing on launch off and instead of trying to land on my chest, where I had my arm ready to fend it off, it cannoned into my right leg. I heard the crack from my leg as I went down. I was rolling about on the ground emulating the best footballer's histrionics when the dog's owner came up and clipped the lead on her dog and with the comment that "that will hurt in the morning " left. As they say WTF.
I was desperate to get my pup back but couldn't get up
Luckily a complete stranger came over, put my pup on the lead and then helped me up.
I managed to get home somehow despite having almost no control over my leg
I had to have an ankle to groin brace on my leg as I had snapped all the ligaments and tendons in my knee and was off work for 6 months.
I never saw that lady and her dog again.
The utter dastard!
I'm not confident with dogs (though I get cuddles when I can and sneak treats to the dogs next door but one) and it upsets me when a badly behaved dog causes problems. It's almost always the owner's fault and I don't understand why someone would get a dog if they weren't going to train it properly. It's part of the job!
Sending hugs and gentle scritches to Beano
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