Thursday, 4 May 2023

Nutty as a squirrels fart.

When I find things getting on top of me I can sometimes suffer with panic attacks, they are unpleasant although I try just to breath steadily  and wait for them to abate.

At the moment there is a lot going on and I'm struggling to cope.

1) I frequently really struggle to cope with Steve and his behaviour, I'm permanently on tenterhooks, never knowing what stupid thing he will next lose his temper over.

2) To add to this it seems one of my neighbours feels the need to dress in camouflage and lurk outside my door at night. Said neighbour is worried about her cat. The cat that Beano is scared of. 

Said neighbour has now decided to carry her cat over to my front door EVERY night so Beano, who is terrified of the bloody cat, doesn't scare the cat. This means I have to wait until she has finished lurking before Beano can go out for his late night widdle. And before I can go to bed!

She also digs up my plants in case they are lilies!

She has written to the housing association about Beano but unfortunately for her when the housing manager was here Beano refused to turn into a ravening beast at the sight of her cat and instead, hid behind me. He was however persuaded to let the manager stroke him.

3) My hearing is very poor, when I tried to clean my aids in case wax was causing the problem I realised that last time I visited the audiologist she has fitted cerushields upside down! No wonder I'm having problems. I am now unable to remove the part to repair the fault. Steve is frequently enraged by my inability to hear him. Despite repeated requests that he faces me when talking to me he refuses. I find ignoring him is the best thing to do. He then shouts at me, I can then hear him, and I assume all the neighbours can hear him also!

4) My eyesight continues to deteriorate, I need to see an opthalmologist but I can't face another 8 hour wait at the hospital. Where I get shouted at as the staff refuse to remove their face masks. I may see if I can visit one privately.

I realise none of this is serious but I'm still struggling with it all.


Marjorie said...

Continued hugs

Alcea Rosea 31 said...

So pleased you have posted, it must be very frustrating and worrying for you.
I hope things improve for you.[ ]

Col said...

Let me understand this properly......Idiot neighbour brings her cat to outside YOUR front door so that Beano can't attack it?
Surely if she stayed by HER OWN front door, Beano would be unable to attack her cat (even if he wasn't scared rigid of it) as he would be nowhere close!
As for the digging up of plants, if they're on your property, and are not forbidden under the T&Cs of the Housing Association, that's actually a criminal offence!
You need to call the housing management to discuss 'cat carrying psycho bitch'. Often around here, housing complexes are a mixture of privately owned and social housing. If social housing tenants cause problems, they can eventually face eviction. It could be worth you finding out whether 'cat woman' is an owner or a social housing tenant. If she's a socially housed tenant, it would give you something to 'hold over her head'!
I do understand the panic attack thing though, I have suffered from panic attacks of varying degrees throughout my adult life! The worst are when I wake up sweating, and feeling unable to get my breath properly. I find sitting upright as fast as possible helps me then. I refuse to give in to them though, I breathe as deeply as possible, have sips of water, and wait for the feeling to pass.
Please, please contact your local PALS service, they should be able to help with getting you to see Opthamologists/Audiologists etc.
If that fails, contact your M.P. they are there to help their constituents, and at the very least would be able to put you in touch with the 'right people'!
As for Steve, just keeping buggering on, and keep telling yourself this...........
To start with, all you need is 2 hearts and a diamond, but later you may find yourself begging for a club and a spade!!! X

Sooze said...

But it is serious to you, it's seriously impacting your daily life and that's very unpleasant. I don't know what to suggest, I do understand how frustrating it is to not be able to access the help you need - my physiotherapy is a waste of time, they regularly cancel appointments or rearrange them without telling me! I can only wish that things improve for you.

ana s. said...

All of it is serious. Totally understandable. So many people are just clueless.

Unknown said...

Is there any way you can tell the psycho camo nutjob to stay away from your doorstep??? And away from your plants??

Sending you hugs and understanding. I feel for you I really do.

Ellen D. said...

It is good to post about it and let your frustrations out. Stand up for yourself and get help whenever you can.

Amanda said...

Not being able to hear and not being able to see are not little things. They complicate everything and turn minor things into Very Major Problems. These are not straws on your back, they're concrete blocks. Even if the Crazy Cat Lady wasn't lurking outside in camouflage (and as a cat owner, if I were worried about a dog, I'd be keeping my cat away from the dog's property, not taking it there. That is just NUTS.) small wonder you're having panic attacks.

Lyssa Medana said...

This is all a big deal. It's making it harder for you to find a safe place. Sending all the hugs and good vibes.

kate steeper said...

ive had a whole week of himself shouting and bawling at least its spring and i an get outside and strimmer with my ear defenders on

Catriona said...

It’s good that you can manage to write about the trials and tribulations of life in your new home. I think you need to keep a note of scary cat woman’s behaviour as it seems to me to be harassment and vandalism. All serious offences in my book. Catriona

flis said...

In my experience trying to calm and understand and reason with and help him does not help one bit -I say "if you can't calm down I shall have to call for assistance"and walk away -As for that neighbour I would be tempted to report her and say that I felt harrassed by her behaviour x

Corinne said...

The RNID website says,
"Hospitals, urgent care centres or walk in centres should always ask people what support they need to communicate well and make sure appropriate support is provided. In England, this is a legal requirement under the Accessible Information Standard."
Could you point this out to them when you get your appointments in future, so they are aware, from a legal standpoint, that you need assistance?
I know some professionals don't listen, but it's worth a try.
Feeling for you at the're having an awful time of it and I hope things get better soon.

Karla said...

My counselor has told me that it doesn't matter if others think my problems aren't serious; they are serious to me, and that's what counts. My heart goes out to you, for it seems you have no safe place - crazy neighbors, and then your husband. I know he can't help it, but what about you? I see so many women late in life, with few or no options, that are trapped in some sort of caregiving role, and no one is caring for them. It angers me and seems so unfair. I am so sorry. Sending you good thoughts.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...