Friday, 19 May 2023

Spending spree

I don't often buy clothes but today I decided to buy a cardigan. I have a denim blue long line one but it's getting thin.

So I bought a shorter cardigan, long sleeved and multicoloured, I like it though Steve doesn't.

I've also ordered myself some new leggings, three pairs, one each, blue, black and shocking pink. Some of my current leggings need throwing away as they have holes and ladders in them. I've been sewing up the holes in them for a few years but it's time to buy new. 

Hopefully it will soon be warm enough to start wearing my summer dresses. I have one left from last year and two new ones that I ordered at the end of last summer.


Catriona said...

Enjoy your new clothes-the cardigan sounds bright and cheerful and will be lovely to wear. Catriona

flis said...

I'm pleased that you've treated yourself as you deserve it - I had to smile when I read that your Steve wasn't too keen on your purchase as mine often turns his nose up at some thing I like - The other day he didn't like a dress I wore - he hurried away into the spare room and handed me His jeans and said " try these" - they were a screwed up mess x

Anonymous said...

Your choices sound lovely!

Rambler said...

You're not exactly lavish with treats for yourself - I hope you enjoy wearing them. I'm sure Steve is always suave, sophisticated and immaculately dressed in his carefully chosen outfits!

Donna said...

Glad you are shopping for You, for a change...You need to pay attention more on you! A new scent mabye? Exercise clothes? Get up and get moving! Worked for me...

Ellen D. said...

Glad to hear you are enjoying life a bit and indulging yourself in some new clothes! Celebrate the seasons!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...