Monday, 8 May 2023

Chilly here.

 I was up about 7, went into the garden to rescue a bag of rubbish that had been left behind y'day evening. I didn't want the neighbours complaining.

The mad cat lady was in the garden but didn't reply to my greeting, she is obviously still upset about yesterday's get together as it stopped her cat patrolling the garden.

I managed one walk with Beano this morning but it's rained ever since so he's not interested in another walk yet.

Steve obviously has a hangover so is like a bear with a sore head, still at least he's quiet for now.

He's arranged to meet up with a friend at some point for a drink. Said friend wants to show off his new GF,  I'm hoping for a sunny day and we can sit in the pub garden otherwise I can't follow the conversation as the pub is noisy.


Donna said...

I couldn't tolerate CatWoman!
Tryto have a sweet and peaceful day...

Col said...

How long did Steve's hangover last?
How much does he actually drink in one session? I know I've said it to you before, but if there's one thing I would absolutely not put up with, it's a husband who gets drunk!
I'm not teetotal and nor is my husband, but neither of us understand the thing of drinking to the point of drunkenness! I have had too much booze three times in my life, had my drink spiked when I was eighteen, drank a couple of pints of 'from the wood' Cider in Somerset, and had too much on my hen night. On none of those occasions was I actually properly drunk though!
My grandmother was, to put it bluntly, a lush, who cared more for a bottle of booze than her husband or children. Therefore, her children all grew up hating alcohol and the effect it can have. We're just not a family of drinkers!
How can you bring yourself to even speak to crazy cat woman? I'm very much afraid that Hell would freeze over before I ever spoke to her!
I notice some commenters appear to think that your flat is rented. I'm pretty sure you bought it, so therefore if Steve leaves, you wouldn't get help with charges?
Could you manage on your own though? State pension, occupational pension, and if you were living alone, quite possibly pension credits etc, might be enough for you to live quite well. If Steve chooses to leave, you just say you're staying, and if he does go, he's abandoning you, which means he'd have to pay towards your housing costs. I know you don't want to be away from him, but it's getting to the point where you have to make decisions which benefit you, as Steve is no longer capable of logical thought.
You're living in an environment that is safe for you both, as opposed to the boats, neither of which were suitable for either of you. Don't be swayed by what Steve wants, you have to think about getting older and less able, and make sure you have a home which is suitable for your needs.
Sorry about nagging you, but I really think you need to start making a few enquiries into what you financial situation would actually be if Steve does decide to go!

Sue said...

Gosh 'Col.' that was a very inappropriate comment. Most of what you are talking about is really none of your business and is not helpful in any way to Sue. I'm sure she can manage to work things out for herself, with help from the people that she knows and loves if necessary.

Kathy said...

To true Sue, those comments seemed strident and unhelpful. One nust remember the saying 'walk a mile in somebody else's shoes'.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...