Monday, 29 May 2023

BBQ in the garden.

There is a BBQ in the garden today, only about a dozen residents will attend but it is open to all.

Last time Steve butted in when someone was doing the BBQ, so he was handed the tools and left to get on with it. He complained bitterly about this but I expect it will be the same today.

I'm making a tray of chocolate brownies, at Steve's insistence, I don't think anyone will want them but it will keep him quiet if I make them. I don't know why he is so insistent as he won't eat them himself. He will only eat shop bought food, nothing home made.

I've stopped for a cup of coffee, whilst the butter for the brownies softens in my sunny kitchen.

There it's a nice pet shop at the top of the road, I will walk up there and see what grain free food they have that Beano might eat. When we first saw him at the rescue centre he'd been given a bowl of kibble. After a couple of days as he was still refusing to touch the kibble they tried adding some water to the kibble but he still wouldn't eat it. By the end of his stay he was being given tinned dog food as it is what he likes. He also won't eat the dog food from big tins, I think the chunks are too big. Either that or he is just exceptionally fussy!

Beano won't eat any fruit or vegetables apart from cooked potatoes but he will eat any make of dog food as long as it is pate style and not chunky. I've no idea why but I just pander to him so he eats something.

Apart from walking Beano, I spent most of y'day sprawled on the sofa eating junk, I expected to pay for it today but I actually feel quite well. Beano had 3 walks in the sunshine and numerous trips to the long grass by the car park,  we kept the walks short as he's not keen on hot days.


flis said...

My dogs are my escape - I think I may go crazy without their needs - My tich has a delicate tummy and too much dried make him vomit -Wet food and boiled chicken suits him -I feed his food in one bowl and 2 saucers- one at a time x

ana s. said...

My cats are the same way. One would starve herself to death rather than eat a perfectly good food. She lost half her weight at the rescue before we brought her home. But they give us such a great reason to live and their antics are so funny.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...