Sunday, 28 April 2024

Hearing aids.

Steve's current rant du jour is hearing aids. His are national health and free. He only wears them when he goes out, never indoors, he complains ceaselessly about how painful they are and how useless. 

I pay for mine, the first pair, from Specsavers, weren't as good as they claimed and the aftercare was appalling. My current pair are from Boots, Jennie took me last week to get them checked out. They are now back to working properly. I wear them all day, every day, they are not uncomfortable, in fact I sometimes forget I'm wearing them. I have been known to get into bed with them still in my ears. I have another year of free updates and adjustments, as my hearing is still deteriorating I may then need to buy replacements, I'm saving money in case this happens. We have quite a lot of money in savings but Steve feels that paying for my hearing aids would eat into our savings and that I need to go back to national health aids.


Ellen D. said...

I just ordered new hearing aids on Friday and will have them in a couple of weeks. I felt like I was missing out on so many conversations and so am looking forward to these new ones. They will be rechargeable and so I won't have to fuss with batteries anymore. They were very expensive but I think they will be worth it because I am worth it! :)

Margaret Butterworth said...


Bettina Groh said...

So Steve wants you to have the same hearing aids that he hates ... not ones that work for you??

flis said...

He is not thinking clearly - ignore him - mine says silly stuff too x

Eleanor said...

Tell Steve that him buying so much beer is also depleting your savings. Might be an idea to tally up how much he does actually spend on beer every year.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...