Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Best off in my pocket.

I received an email from my solicitor saying they owed us £200. Money retained from when we purchased our flat.

I've had it paid into my account, I'm trying to build up some savings towards Beano's next vet bill.

I'm making savings where I can and trying to live on my pension. We have money in savings  but Steve is working his way through them.

We don't have a mortgage as we paid cash for our flat.

Currently this is where my money goes per month.

£358 my share of the bills for the flat.

£50 fruit and veg box.

£6 at the pet shop for Beano.

£50 trips out with Betty.

£8.99 Amazon Prime plus any purchases made.

£12. Mobile phone bill.


Elaine said...

Good! That's the best place for it.

Lyssa Medana said...

It's amazing how many energy companies are happy to keep hundreds, and back in the 90s I got a refund of over £500 from a tv rental place. As you say - better in our pocket.

Anonymous said...

can you open another secret account with another bank or something and transfer some of your savings little by little so that Steve doesn't notice and go through all of it himself, then you'll have a little emergency fund he can't get at in case anything major goes wrong x

Col said...

Do you count Utilities and food/drink in with your share of monthly costs of the flat?
If not, check you're not being (vastly) overcharged for service charges, as I'm sure the average for a flat like yours is well less than £200 per month in your area!
Take care,
Col X

Heather said...

I think you are wise to have savings of your own, always good to have an emergency fund.

PatsyAnne said...

I rarely comment on your posts but I'm curious about this one. You listed what your monthly costs are that you pay with your pension but didn't mention what you receive as pension. Is it a shared account with Steve and if so does he have access to all the amount, I ask this because you've mentioned that he has overdrawn your account at times. There must be a way to transfer money to another account at your bank, that way you will be able to build a secret account. I hate to have you think I'm being nosey but I just am trying to understand. Also does Steve have a pension or income of his own?

Lynda said...

Please take what you can from your joint account before he runs it down to zero…I worry.

Hard up Hester said...

I get the full state pension, Steve doesn't as he was self employed and didn't pay in regularly.

We pay council tax, service charge and electricity, our service charge covers the cost of the gardeners who maintain the grounds, the emergency pull cord cover if someone has a fall, cleaners for the communal areas and the costs of the summer house.

I have another bank account that I transfer money into when I have any spare. Currently my savings are paying for treatment for Beano.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...