Saturday, 6 April 2024

Keeping secrets

I have two secrets I'm keeping from Steve.

Firstly I can hardly see out of my left eye, I knew it would happen, I've been expecting it. I haven't told Steve because he will immediately launch into a tirade about how much worse his eyesight is than mine. It's not a bloody competition but he will be very aggrieved if he realises my eyesight is worse than his.

Secondly, my trips out with Betty are coming to an end. Her bowls club has restarted and she plays daily. I knew it was coming but I've also kept this a secret from Steve, I know he will be over the moon. I will find his smug satisfaction hard to cope with.

I'm thinking of a walking to Lidl to buy fresh rolls today, I'll check with my neighbours to see if anyone else wants any.


Rural Reads said...

We are on tenterhooks for the arrival of the wardrobe! Please keep us in the picture, thank you!

Donna said...

I'm so sorry about your sight...and sorry hubby thinks it's a competition.
Also sorry about your outings with your friend. Maybe you both can find other times to get together.

Anonymous said...

If he dares to get smug about your outings with Betty coming to an end. Just tell him, that she's invited you to go to the bowls club to watch the matches, and you'll decide later if and when you go (he doesnt know if she has asked you or not, it'll keep him on his toes) and ofcourse when the season ends, you'll be back to going out with her probably a couple of times a week now as you both enjoy each others company so much. (Then give him the one fingered salute)

There's no need for that sort of smug nastiness, as for your eye, even if you don't tell him, I hope you will go and see a doctor as that sounds really worrying. As I've said before, we only walk this way once, take care of yourself Anne x

Ellen D. said...

Do what is best for you. Hope you find another friend to spend some time with when Betty can't. Can you go to watch her with her bowls group?

Jaccs said...

Sometimes when I read your blog I could honestly weep for you, the whole injustice of it all, the way you are treated by Steve and your health, and when you are having a nice time it has to end!
Please take care lovely lady and keep that inner strength to fight adversity and survive xx

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...