Monday, 8 April 2024

Lost dog.

Last night around 10 p.m. I let Beano out for his last widdle. All of a sudden there was a noise that scared Beano. 

He took off like the hounds of hell were after him, he ran up the path and off site.

I chased after him but I was too slow, couldn't see which way he'd gone.

I searched the nearby roads, calling him but no joy, eventually I went back to the flat to put my shoes on and to check he hadn't doubled back in me.

As I left the flat to continue my search Beano came barreling down the path towards me.

I was so relieved to see him! Steve got out of bed to tell me I wasn't to shout at Beano, I wasn't, and I don't. I just made a huge fuss of him and after an hour I took him out again. This time on his lead!


Anonymous said...

Thank goodness he came back to you, you must have been worried sick.

Sooze said...

How lucky he managed to find his way home - must have been scary for both of you.

Sue said...

It's a truly heart-wrenching moment when you think you have lost them isn't it. I'm glad he was sensible enough to make for home when he calmed down. Phew!!

Ellen D. said...

What a relief you must have felt when he came running back to you!

flis said...

It's bad any time but in the dark eveǹ worse xx

Damselfly said...

So glad Beano was only temporarily missing/lost.
Beano certainly deserved having a fuss made over him when he returned, and I'm sure you & Beano were all the better for said "fuss".
May the week ahead be peaceful.

Chris said...

Glad your tale had a happy ending. I was a bit worried when I saw the title.

Jaccs said...

Good Beano, he knew home was the place to be !!

Anonymous said...

so glad he came home, he must have followed your scent trail back, clever Beano! you must have been out of your mind, big hugs to you all x

Rambler said...

When he calmed down, he obviously recognised where he was, thanks to all the walks you've taken him on. From there he realised he wasn't far from home and quickly made his way back to you. Well done, Beano and well done to you for familiarising him with your area. (((((hugs)))))

Donna said...

SO glad you found Beano!

Highly recommended.

When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...