Saturday, 27 April 2024


I've always been of the opinion that there is no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes.

I have to say I'm currently revising this, it's bitterly cold here today and damp with an icy wind. I'm still walking Beano with coat, hat and gloves.

Even Beano didn't want to go far on his morning walk. We met a lady with a lovely grey staffy pup, I've no idea if it was male or female. I assumed male as Beano started to grumble. I couldn't resist having a stroke.

We're now home and I'm having a second breakfast of a banana and a mug of mint tea. I have mint growing by my door so it's easy to pick a few sprigs as I walk in.

Betty and I shopped y'day, she is catering for a visiting bowls team this weekend. After shopping we stopped at the nearby Toby Carvery for lunch, I had turkey, Betty had pork. No dessert so it was £6.50 each, very reasonable. Steve was meeting Bob so Beano was home alone for an hour he was pleased to see me when I returned. Steve didn't get home until around 7 and was in bed and asleep before 9.


Sue said...

It's gloriously sunny here and finally starting to warm up after a very chilly night. My car had a thick layer of ice on it yesterday morning, so I was relieved it wasn't quite so bad today.

Sooze said...

It's really cold, wet and dreary again here today. Quite depressing. Even Betty doesn't want to go out.

Rambler said...

10 degrees and cloudy today in East Cornwall - I suppose that's average for April? But I long for things to warm up; I used to come tent-camping over the years when I lived in Leicestershire and it was always good weather in Cornwall. I seem to have jinxed the good weather when I moved here 30-odd years ago!
Sounds as though Steve had a pretty good drinking day yesterday . . .

Ellen D. said...

Glad you got out with your friend. Sounds like you enjoyed your day!
It was so chilly here this week but will be up to 80°F today! Weird weather!

Lyssa Medana said...

Some winds seem to bypass all clothing.

Sending hugs x

Highly recommended.

When we purchased this flat I used a highly recommended solicitor. I wasn't well and Steve was in a full on sulk because we'd sold t...