Tuesday, 23 April 2024

This weeks veg box.


Another nice selection of fruit and veg for this week, I'll share it with Betty again.


Col said...

We have a vegetable and fruit delivery weekly, but our is from a local farm.
We get the extra large, which should be suitable for 5-6 people, but we both eat a LOT of veggies, and husband is a fruit fanatic. He'll eat fruit until it's coming out of his ears, and we never, ever serve up the recommended amount of veg with a meal, instead usually having at least twice the amount most people would have!
I know I'm lucky, having a husband who will eat whatever's put in front of him! X

Rambler said...

My last little dog would have scoffed the carrots and any salad stuff - and fruit. He used to pick and eat the blackberries from the garden, beating me to them every season. He gave himself away by coming in home with his white face stained purple!

Ellen D. said...

I love those little orange tangerines!
My daughter's dogs love carrots and have one everyday as a snack.

flis said...

That looks nice - It's like a surprise treat each time - and healthy too x

Heather said...

All looks nice and fresh, good to share too. I could quite happily eat all that fruit and veg. We had a Springer Spaniel who liked blackberries too.

Sue said...

That all looks beautiful fresh and in good condition.

Donna said...

Looks like a good selection!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...