Friday, 26 April 2024

Walking with a list on.

Y'day I had to take my stick to lean on when I went out, today I don't need my stick but I can't walk in a straight line.

Nemmind, I'm walking faster again.

My balance is off, and I'm dizzy, it's my ears that are the problem. I had them checked out years ago and these attacks don't last as long as they used to. They used to last a couple of weeks but now only a couple of days. When I was working, bending over to sort out the copier jams was difficult when I felt dizzy.

I was walking Beano, waiting to cross the road to head home. A car stopped to let me across, I realised after a few moments it was my daughter, she lives at the opposite end of the village. I lurched across the road with Beano and when I got to the other side, stopped and waved to DD and noticed dgd, Maggie was in the car too.

1 comment:

shyleigh said...

I can't walk a straight line and I guess it is my balance and not my ears?!Here that is the being drunk test ... to walk a straight line! If I am ever stopped it could be a disaster - though a breathalyzer would prove negative.

Being careful.

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