Wednesday, 10 April 2024

What a fibber

Steve has been making much of the fact that he's buying much less lager than usual. He's still buying 2 to 4 trays a week, but not the six he usually buys.

I've been less than impressed as he's going to a pub 4 or 5 days a week.

A couple of days ago I went for a snooze as I wasn't feeling too good.

I didn't get much sleep as Steve was wandering in and out the room.

As I lay there I noticed Steve going out the flat, he was only gone a few minutes so I realised he's gone to the cupboard at the end of the corridor.

He soon  returned carrying a tray of lager, he's not buying less, he's just storing it outside the flat!


Rambler said...

Well, if he carries on drinking like this, he soon won't be a problem with his moods, aggressiveness, lies, etc. Alternatively, please go to his doctor and tell him what's going on with his drinking and eating habits and the effect it's having on him - and you! He needs more help than you can give him. You need help in dealing with him. You can't carry on like this.

Anonymous said...

Classic signs of an alcoholic, sneaking around and hiding the evidence. Sue, please get him to a doctor, get a new doctor if you have to. I have a relative with alcohol induced dementia and it's horrible for his family. I'm no expert by any means but from what you've said it sounds like Steve could also have this. Please get him help, don't ignore it, it won't end well. I'm sorry this is your life now, I remember how in love you were when you got married. Take care x

Anonymous said...

The problem is yours as you refuse to do anything about it. Until he physically hurts you, you will just hang in and be miserable. Don’t put up with his nonsense, get help for yourself.

Sue said...

Ooh, the sneaky little bugger. 🤨

Anonymous said...

You keep complaining about him but do nothing. Get an appointment with a doctor, insist on it.

Anonymous said...

So just how many cans of beer do you estimate he drinks in a week.Plus pub visits
Any spirits as well?
My dear he has a drink problem and you must get help for your own sanity
Have you actually spoken to anybody about all this?
If not you really do need to do it pronto
Sorry if this sounds a bit ott!
But it really is not a good life for you atm.

MargieInMiami said...

Why do you put up with him ?
Do you feel the need to punish yourself ?
Get rid of him

JacquiezB said...

As anon says, and classic behaviour of an alcoholic. In hiding the lager he is not just hiding it from you but pretending to himself that he isn't drinking so much.
I was married to an alcoholic.
You do need to protect yourself both physically and mentally but most importsntly, economically. Alcohol is not cheap;he is frittering your and Beano's financial security.
Did you get Beano's dew claws trimmed?

Anonymous said...

I think that would shock me,wake me up a bit its like his playing games he has enough awareness to do that i wouldnt like that Janee

Anonymous said...

Same shit different day.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...