Wednesday, 14 August 2024

In a strop.

When Steve first was recovering from his stroke he used to attend a stroke club. He didn't attend for many weeks, he can't bear criticism and when the staff suggested he stop being so nasty to me and shouting at me all the time he stopped going. They tried to explain that it wasn't my fault he'd had a stroke and lashing out verbally was unacceptable.

He can't understand why his behaviour is unacceptable. Seven years later and nothing has changed.

Twice this week he's been nasty and twice I've pulled him up on it. He always reacts the same way, he storms out and goes to the pub to get drunk!

I just need to do this on a daily basis and I could have a peaceful life.


Anonymous said...

And this most likely won't get any better... And unfortunately on top of all the behaviours that come to many recovering stroke victims, he is also an alcoholic so add all the behaviours they also have and that makes your life a challenge! I know I would have come to the end of my tether as year after year of this kills love and when love has completely died, I would have to choose living my own life, on my own. But I understand your reasons for staying. We each have to choose our own paths. And keep you in my thoughts and hope one day it will be better for you. Dawn P. Albany, GA USA

Judith said...

He knows what he is doing and that you won't or can't put him out because of it. Perhaps you could just put on some noise cancelling headphones as soon as he starts up.

Joyce said...

How about a muzzle on him instead. Having spent my childhood around a drunk, I would be afraid to counter him in anyway.
Joyce, Vermont, US

Anonymous said...

Until he hits you or throws something at you, you will stay. I have been there. Gigi

flis said...

I would speak out when he goes too far also - and if he behaves in a threatening manner I don't think you should rule out calling the police - then hopefully you would get help x

Marlane said...

It is as if all this is just too horrible to believe.

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...