Wednesday, 19 February 2014


A single sock, to fit 3 month baby & it's taken me all bloody day to knit it, DD Lizzie was in hysterics watching me struggle with 5 dp needles, the worst thing about it? I have to knit another one tomorrow! I have knitted a hat in matching yarn & I have enough yarn to knit another hat, I'll knit bootees to go with the second hat I'm not knitting any more socks!


wannabe sybil said...

I gave up any attempt at socks a long time ago. You are a lot braver than I am! WS xxx

keth said...

okay. I'll bite. what's the difference between a bootie and a sock, i mean, they're both foot shaped so...?

frugal freesia said...

Less shaping and not so complicated to knit.

keth said...

ah, thank you frugalfreesia! As you can tell I'm not a knitting person. I can do scarves and perl and knit and... that's it!

frugal freesia said...

No worries:)

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...