Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Needed, a fart free diet

The details of the diet I am allowed to eat with diverticular disease is nothing if not confusing. A high fibre diet with as little fibre as possible, lots of nuts & seeds with no nuts & seed, an apple a day, but it must be peeled, must not be peeled!
One thing I do know is that what ever I eat I fart, lots & lots.
It makes it difficult at work, though fortunately I work in a room on my own & the room sticks of chemicals anyway. I just add to the general miasma.
My L&M & I were discussing what to have for tea one night, he suggested beans on toast & when I replied that beans would make me fart, he replied 'Everything makes you fart, darling, in fact I'm thinking of buying a kite to fly in all the wind you are providing'.


Rebecca said...

I know your health is no laughing matter but hehehe!!

sweet blondie blue eyes said...

Thankx I just spluttered tea all over my lap top!!

Unfortunately I also suffer from excess wind but I never thought of using it to fly a kite!!

Attila said...

We have just had an awful family crisis and we had to go to the chemist's for something. I asked for it and looked at the range of stuff available and just couldn't work out what we needed. I left DH to it and sat on the seats near the prescriptions window. I was just about to burst into tears when the man next to me let out the fruitiest fart! Instead of fighting back tears I was then fighting back laughter! So you never know when a fart can lighten up someone's bad day!

Anonymous said...


Linda Metcalf said...

I have to take a diabetes medicine that causes problems...if I feel the need to go to the restroom then the restroom had better be very very close...so I now have a fear of ever traveling overseas again as it is a 6 hour flight and then tours on buses....oh to be young again! :)

Pam said...

I am so glad that i swallowed my coffee before reading this as it was I spluttered and choked. I used to worry about being windy at work now I don't give a toss.

frugal needles said...

Oh dear lord, i am and have always been a bit of a trumper so this had me laughing my head off! My FH comes out with similar things to your L&M !

Anonymous said...

You did make me laugh I have medication for diabetes as well and that has a very nasty side affect on me, believe me if only I could find a remedy I would be very grateful.


Sol said...

dairy did that to my niece. No dairy no farty

Frugal in Derbyshire said...

So I take it you don't want some spare (f)artichoke tubers I have for anyone that wants them?
My mother used to do a little trump on each step as she went upstairs. The children thought it was hysterical. Unfortunately I have discovered that it is hereditary!

Baroness Prudent Spending said...

Oh Snitty - this made me chuckle. I have no advice as so many good, healthy, cheap foods have that side effect. Are you able to do much walking? Movement is supposed to help. (At least you can get out in the open outside) ~ Pru

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...