Saturday, 1 March 2014

New book giveaway

I have a spare copy of the book A Girl Called Jack, please leave a comment if you would like this & I'll pick a name out of a hat & post it off to you.
I've followed her blog & love her recipes & her attitude, so I bought 2 copies of her books as gifts, only to find that one of the intended recipients already had a copy, hence the giveaway.


Anonymous said...

I would love a copy of this book as I read her blog. Thank you. Catriona

Anonymous said...

Hi I would love a copy of this book as I struggle to stretch food as I'm not very inventive.thankyou,carole

veeknits19 said...

Hi, please put my name in your hat, I'd love to have a copy of Jack's book. Hope all is good with you & the search for the wind free diet is going well, you do make me smile at times - always nice to drop by, smiles are always welcome, Vee x

sweet blondie blue eyes said...

OOhhhh yes please put me on the list. I do admire her so much, she has really taken life by the scruff of the neck and turned herself round.

sweet blondie blue eyes said...

OOhhhh yes please put me on the list. I do admire her so much, she has really taken life by the scruff of the neck and turned herself round.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Having read her blog a few times I would love to win this

catherine said...

Hi Sue, I love your blog and Jack,s too so please count me in. X

catherine said...

Hi Sue, I love your blog and Jacks too so please count me in!

KamGem69 said...

It would be lovely to get the chance to win a copy of Jack's cookbook. Thank you for offering people the chance to enter your giveaway.

Unknown said...

Would love to win this, I've read jack's blog a few times

Donna said...


I would love to receive this book!


Justine said...

I would love this book please count me in!

Justine said...

I would love this book please count me in!

Judith said...

I have not bought this yet, I will wait and keep my fingers crossed

Helen Roast said...

Hi. I follow your blog and also Jacks. She is an amazing woman and I would love to win a copy of her book. She tries to make a difference in the world as well as looking after her son.

simply helen said...

I recently discovered Jack via Women's Hour and would love the chance to win a copy of her book. Have you thought about writing a book yourself? I love reading your blog, your posts are always humorous and informative.

Angela said...

Yes please - would love to have this to read and then pass on to my daughter [she's a great admirer of Jack]

Fat Dormouse said...

i am another fan of Jack & her blog...and yours! I would love to win the book.

markdebby said...

This would be a lovely book to get in the post.
Love your blog

frugal needles said...

Ooh its on my amazon wish list! This would be fab to win! Xx

Frugal in Derbyshire said...

ooh yes please put me your draw. I follow both of you and would love to read the book

mallowlark said...

I'd also love a chance to look through this book - Jack always thinks of new ways to use and combine ingredients.

Fiona said...

Follow you both and would love a copy of the book, thanks for offering the giveaway !

Anonymous said...

I check your blog everyday along with jacks and frugal queen few others and it's amazing what a giveaway attracts usually only 1 or 2 comments here!

Mary in Bath said...

Please include me in the "Jack's Book" draw. I think she's brilliant!

chrissie said...

I would love the chance to win Jacks book. I read her blog and do admire how she has changed her life around.

rachfishop said...

Is it too late to add my name to the hat? :-)

Mrs G said...

I've been following Jack's blog since before it went viral - I admire her immensely for sharing her 'downs' with everyone, as well as her 'ups'. Her determination to succeed by herself was great - and who knew that by posting her story her life would have changed around entirely. I love the fact that she donates much of her new earnings when clearly she is still not 'wealthy' in 'stuff'. I had planned on buying her book but an unemployed husband for 10 months and a family of 6 of us means that it's something I can't do right now.

Floss said...

I would love a copy please

Icey said...

Ohhh yes please!!
Follower of both your blogs :)

Anonymous said...

Please put my name in too - if I'm not too late x
Molly 41

Jo said...

Please add me in. It is a really nice thought to have a giveaway with your spare book - thank you.

Belinda said...

What an interesting book. I would like to win a copy. I'll have to check out her blog as well. :)

Kaizen Fashion Project said...

I'd la la LOVE to win this!
Thanks for the chance!

heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

KittyKittyWeaselFish said...

Oh am I too late? Hope not :)

KatieJane said...

I might be too late to enter but if not I'd really love to win this!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...