Monday, 24 March 2014

No waste

I defrosted 500gms of minced beef, then in my large pan I softened a finely sliced onion & 6 rather sad looking quartered mushrooms. To this I added a handful of oats, dried herbs, an oxo cube, a squirt of tomato puree & the defrosted minced beef. Once the beef was cooked & added the leftover veg & gravy from a previous meal. Last time I was preparing potatoes I peeled, cooked & mashed extra & kept it in the fridge.
I now have 2 cottage pies & 4 portions of bolognese sauce in the fridge/freezer, 4 days when I don't need to cook when I get in from work all in less than half an hour.


Anonymous said...

From Margie in Toronto
Did something similar yesterday - portions of shepherds pie from less than a pound of ground lamb. Added lentils and carrots, peas & corn along with a squirt of HP, worcestershire sauce & soy. Made extra mashed potatoes and had some tonight with the last bit of chicken. Did carrots & broccoli in a mustard sauce for veg and made extras that I'll have tomorrow night with a slice of the corned beef that I also cooked yesterday! Eventually I get a night off from cooking anything and just have to reheat!

Jo said...

We often cook extra too so that a meal is ready really quickly in the evening. It also helps to keep the energy bills down. Win, win, I think : )

Linda Metcalf said...

It's so nice to have a ready to heat up meal and save on the cooking time....and possibly relax!

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...