Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Production line

As I have 3 dresses to make I've started a production line, all 3 dresses are cut out, all 3 capes are cut out & I've started sewing. All french seams as the fabric frays like buggery.


Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you are sewing if you can show how you're making it,let it go,let gooo.My grand daughter would adore it.Well done you're grand children are making happy memories. Jo

Linda said...

Looking forward to seeing the finished article. xx

Angela said...

I too have been sewing lots of French seams lately- be afrayed, be very afrayed!!

Carol said...

Can't wait to see the end results

jill said...

What fun! A million years ago my happiest job was sewing in a theatrical costumes shop....
I was just checking the prices of these dresses on line...oh my word... $$££!!!!
Please let us know what the frugal but loving versions cost.

Hard up Hester said...

Jill, I paid £25 for the fabric, I will get at least 4, maybe 5 dresses from this. There will be lots of the cape fabric left so it's worked out at around £6 per dress.

jill said...

Sue... I just realized that I may have appeared rude by asking....didn't mean to be.
As a sewer and pensioner I just could couldn't believe what I saw when I went to check out the dresses. As there are no small ones in my sphere anymore so I lag behind in knowing what the latest things are...the last little ones costumes I made were all mermaids and nija turtles stuffed with old tights!
Despite the ravely fabric I hope this is enjoyable for you.I especially seeing them twirl about I their new dresses!

Hard up Hester said...

You weren't at all rude Jill
I was going to put the costings up when I post the finished pics.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...