Saturday, 24 May 2014

Top up shop

As I said before this is a particularly long, tight month, so I checked the freezer & cupboards carefully before I shopped.
I bought:-
I spent £7.08, egg delivery again tomorrow, that will bring this weeks shop to £11.08. This should last us until payday at the end of the month.
We have a weeks holiday now & have a couple of cheap treats planned, we have a £10 voucher for a local pub & that will cover a lite bite meal & dessert for the 2 of us. We will also use our bus passes to go into town & have a meal in the Wetherspoons, they also have meal deals, usually a meal & a drink for £10 for us both.


Frugal in Derbyshire said...

Good planning there for a frugal weeks staycation.
Enjoy tour meals

markdebby said...

We to got a cheap deal for an overnight hotel tomorrow night. £36 for us both. I also have Euro for our food. My DD. Gave it to me for my birthday.
It's a bit awkward when we go to the South of Ireland from the north as they use the Euro.

Linda said...

Our local Weatherspoons offers some cracking deals, best ones are on Tuesdays, their "Steak Club". An 8oz Steak with chips and trimmings along with a pint (or another drink) for only £4.99 - can't be beaten really. Hope you enjoy both your meals out. Linda xx

Hard up Hester said...

Cheap deals are great aren't they & Weatherspoons are a real treat, no cooking, no clearing up & generous portions.

Being careful.

We are tenants in common with a 50/50 share. Steve can leave his share to whomever he wishes, as can I but the property cannot be sold until...