Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Bad news

MIL is terminal, nothing can be done for her, the cancer is too far advanced. If they hadn't treated her with antibiotics for 9 months telling her is was a urine infection there could have been a better outcome.


Unknown said...

So very sorry to hear your news. We currently have friend of a friend battling advanced bowel cancer having been treated for stress and irritable bowel for a year.

Scarlet said...

I'm so sorry to hear such bad news. My Grandad was found to have cancer on his post-mortem - he was given cough medicine by his GP. That was in the 1980s and I really hoped things had improved, but clearly not.

Anonymous said...

So sotty to hear about your MIL. My own Mother was not treated appropriately at the start of her bowel cancer and it was far advanced when diagnosed. I hope there is good palliative care where she stays and she will be helped to stay pain free with good care.Catriona

markdebby said...

Sad news xx

jill said...

How overwhelming. ..grief and outrage. What a difficut time for you and L&M.

Kim said...

I'm so sorry to hear this. I work in a department dealing in clinical negligence issues and hear many sad stories such as yours on a daily basis. I do hope that she can be made as comfortable as possible. Thoughts are with you x

Hard up Hester said...

Thank you for all your kind comments.

Linda Metcalf said...

So sorry to hear this news....my sister is fighting cancer for the past seven months and it has ravished her. Always get second opinions and ask lots of questions. Even then sometimes not enough.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear your sad news about MIL. There seems to be a lot of medical errors these days, here in Canada too. I hope that the time that is left to her will not be too painful and that the family and friends around her will be able to store up some good memories of time spent with her.
Myra, from Winnipeg, Canada.

wannabe sybil said...

So sorry to hear this - sending hugs. WS xxx

Anonymous said...

Very sorry to hear your news - this dreadful illness touches almost everyone in some way at some time. It is very hard to deal with and knowing it could have been handled better will be very difficult for both of you. Sending good wishes and hopes for a peaceful outcome xx

Being careful.

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