Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Random Ramblings

A day of good & bad.
Ang, before I forget, I loved your 'Be affrayed' pun, so funny.
This morning it mizzled, the stuff between mist & drizzle, this afternoon glorious sunshine & we sat in the garden for a while after work.
I was up by 4:30, I'm not sleeping well I may feel better after Friday, I may not.
Busy & stressful at work, being a machine down is like working with one hand tied behind my back.
Someone at work gave me some raspberry canes, my L&M will plant them tomorrow.
My poor L&M is working 10 hour days at the moment due to staff shortages.
Another work colleague gave me a bag full of notions, tape, ribbon, poppers & buttons etc.
I sold my over locker, I'm sad to see it go, but I can't see to use it, so someone might as well get some use out of it.
The day will finish nicely though as hubby is playing music, legover music so an early night is on the cards!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

From Margie in Toronto - Oh Hester - so glad you still keep your sense of humour! You do sound tired and fed up with work though - and I don't blame you - it is so frustrating when technology doesn't work properly. Hope things are fixed by tomorrow.

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...