Friday, 20 June 2014

Veg Box

Linking up with Light & Shade challenge

I looked listlessly at the small box of ‘organic’ vegetables that had just been delivered to my door; it did not look as tasty and delicious as the box had on the leaflet that had been pushed through my door a few weeks ago. But then again the delivery man also didn’t looks as tasty & delicious as the one on the leaflet, my delivery man was pleasant enough, but was a small shrivelled pensioner, a bit like the vegetables that were also shrivelled & elderly. In fact it may have been the appeal of the Brad Pitt lookalike on the leaflet that had tempted me to order a weekly veg box anyway.  Let’s face it neither my husband or my teenage sons eat vegetables except under duress, they pick the carrots out of my beef casserole, scream at the sight of a mushroom , treat broccoli as though it is poisonous & only eat the onions in my cottage pie because the onions are grated & they can’t see them.
I’m not sure whether it was the fantasy of illicit sex with the organic vegetable delivery driver or the fantasy of my family falling with joy on my home cooked healthy meals full of vegetables that made me place the order. Both are equally unlikely, but the illicit sex fantasy is more appealing. I checked the clock on the wall, I had an hour before the family would arrive home. I made a decision, the veg box went in the bin, I took a frozen pizza from the freezer  & I went upstairs to have a luxurious bath & put on my red silk basque & black stockings, the boys wouldn’t notice what I was wearing under my usual clothes, but my husband would & we could have an early night & enjoy some none illicit sex together.


Anonymous said...

From Margie in Toronto - OMG Hester - I love your sense of humour - don't know how you do it some days with all you have on your plate - but I do admire you!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I hear you I almost fell for the seductive organic veg box I cancelled it before hand but they harassed me and kept ringing wanting to know why I changed my mind lol never again there's nothing romantic about a desperate uumm man or veg box looool

Lyssa Medana said...

Literally lol! Nicely constructed as well (unlike the veg box man). Lyssa M x

Unknown said...

Who would have thought a simple veg box would have triggered such a delightful train of thought! Always wonderful when that happens. I hope the lucky fellow enjoys his pizza...

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