Friday, 13 June 2014

Every penny counts

I was paid £5 today for a very simple repair I did for some one & I have a lovely lodger this weekend. He's a huge friendly Labrador, he's here 'til Sunday. I took him for a walk along the river bank, he went for a paddle, I didn't. He's now snoring gently on his bed at my feet, I will be paid £24 for 2 days of walks & cuddles. Mind you if he carries on farting I may charge double!


50 and counting said...

Dog farts are an aroma that is undescribable!

He sounds lovely

Unknown said...

My Westipoo farts all the time but if you dare return the favour he jumps up in the air, like he's been struck by lightening, gives you the most filthy look then goes and lays in the furthest corner of the house away from you to prove his disgust lol.

He's such a drama queen, £24 for squidgy cuddles what a fab job x

keth said...

Hester - saw this last night... and now, seeing this, thought of you!

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...