Sunday, 1 June 2014

Make do & mend

We have had a lovely sunny day here today, the grass has been cut, gardening has been done, potatoes & carrots dug up for lunch & cabbage picked too.
I've vacuumed up glitter yet again, read my kindle & done some sewing.
I finished this little dress for DGD Eileen, I made it from a skirt of mine.
I also dismantled a dress I bought from a charity shop, see pic below, it's my size, but is way too long & if I shorten it I will lose the flared hem & the pattern at the bottom of the dress. Instead I have taken out the zip and separated the bodice from the skirt, I've shortened the skirt by about 4 inches from the top of the skirt, I'm now putting it back together again.


markdebby said...

Wish I could sew. Lol

Frugal in Derbyshire said...

Aren't you glad you can sew?! Did you teach yourself or were you taught? (My mother taught me)

jill said...

That's a nice dress, well worth the effort to remake it.
Charity shops have gotten very pricy here since the economic slide, so I have gone back to sewing much more. Our summers are miserable hot and humid and i am much more comfortable in a dress. Those two dresses that you recently made would be perfect here.

veeknits19 said...

Wow, brilliant sewing, love the skirt and the dress, Vee x

Out for breakfast.

Beano and I went for breakfast today with my oldest daughter and youngest son. We go for breakfast rather than lunch as my son has just fini...