Saturday, 2 August 2014

Buffet Menu

I often complain that my beloved L&M is a fussy bugger where food is concerned, but really he is just a 'meat & two veg' sort of person. He can be reluctant to try new foods, whereas I will try almost anything I've never eaten before. There are a few foods I'm not keen on, celery, green peppers & pears, but I will eat them if I'm given them. The only thing I will not eat is pork as it disagrees with me, anyway, I digress.
Here is the menu for the buffet for eight people.

Garden salad
Couscous with roasted vegetables
HM Coleslaw
HM potato salad
3 bean salad
French bread
Assorted cheeses
Cocktail sausages (for the guest who only eats sausages)
Chicken goujons (for the guest who only eats chicken nuggets)
Falafels (for the guest who is vegetarian)
Cooked meat platter (for the guest who doesn't eat cheese)
Chocolate brownies (special request from hubby's colleagues)
Eton mess (for the guest who doesn't eat chocolate)


minimiser deb said...

I think you have catered for all appetites. Well done Deb

kathy said...

Yum, yum I would be the odd one out the guest who ate everything!

rabbitquilter said...

I wouldn't mind a plate full of any of that!! It sounds delicious! Have to admit to never having had Falafels though, but I would give then a try, thank you!!

Anonymous said...

I hope your guests appreciate all the work you have done to accommodate all of the likes and dislikes. Sounds tasty.
Myra, from Winnipeg, Canada where we are having lovely, hot, sunny summer days.

Louise said...

Do you home make your 3 bean salad? If so how?

Linda Metcalf said...

Sounds wonderful. Love it all...although I have never had falafel....

Lyssa Medana said...

I really, really feel your pain. I bet it was all absolutely amazing (and did you find any of the fussy eaters having a surreptitious nibble on something they 'don't eat'?) WS xxx

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