Sunday, 24 August 2014

Ever tried scraping raw egg out of a shoe?

We have DGD Eileen staying with us, we picked her up yesterday morning so mummy could go to work & daddy could take the other two to Reading Festival, she is being collected this morning sometime.
It's the first time she has stayed on her own, last time she stayed her older sister stayed too. DD & I waited until Eileen was old enough to ask to stay overnight with us , until now she has just visited for a few hours at a time. After listening to her siblings conversations about staying here Eileen had a list of things to do at Nana's house. This list included going to the shop with Grandpa and being bought sweeties & a magazine, gardening with Grandpa, baking, playing schools, crafts & reading stories with Nana.
We had a friend of ours turn up unexpectedly & he was hungry so I made him a fried egg sandwich, I then made sprinkle cakes with Eileen,
she managed to crack one of the eggs in to Grandpa's work shoe, this took some cleaning up! We also ended up with most of the kitchen floor covered with flour & sugar. After the cakes were cooked, iced & covered in sprinkles I cleaned up. I made leek & potato soup for lunch with HM bread. Our friend went home with a jar of HM marmalade & a tee-shirt covered in Peppa-Pig stickers!
I also made a batch of apple & chili jelly & some hot sauce. My SIL gave me the recipe originally & he called it Shit Hot Sauce, but after his friend overindulged on it & was off work the following day as he couldn't leave the bathroom we now call it Hot Shit Sauce!


Angela said...

I think you are supposed to pour salt on to spilt raw egg, as it coagulates it and makes it easier to clean up. But that's on floors and worktops, don't know if it works for shoes!!

kelley said...

sounds like a fun day for all...has to be treat for the little ones to get some one on one time with the grands

Frugal in Derbyshire said...

having the grandchildren to stay is such a treat. I have my youngest to stay again next week. I bet we will bake too!

markdebby said...

See you had a great weekend.

Linda Metcalf said...

I love doing cooking and crafts with my grands. Little things I believe they will remember long after I'm gone. Making memories...

Being careful.

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